just checking, the doors were left open, the theatre itself has vanished, the blog has quite a bit of dust and mysteriously, lots of cat hair too. strange echo in here!
/me grabs the crate and tin can, sits in the dressing room with HeadBurro (...a-a-a-choo!) and tries to accompany his burps and scratching with some stone rattling syncopation!
I was satisfied with Dancer I but II for some reason I could not get to
work out. I kept thinking it was the color of the background, and I kept
My first miksaang experience, so far loving it, an online class taught by
Miriam Hall. Now we are at the lesson on space. And then on to dot in
*I am an avatar, and I wanted to create my own individual avatar blog. Now,
however, Ellen McCormick Martens, my Creatrix, has decided she prefers me
to p...
/me sits on a Moose Brand crate with her ear against the wall.
/me rattles stones in a tin can and makes hooting noises..
/me, in the dust-covered dressing room, scratches his butt and burps loudly.
/me grabs the crate and tin can, sits in the dressing room with HeadBurro (...a-a-a-choo!) and tries to accompany his burps and scratching with some stone rattling syncopation!
/me sweeps out dressing room malingerers and sets the ghost light out on stage... hoping for a new season...
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