A big THANK YOU to Chestnut Rau over at New World Notes for her publicity for tomorrow's show - let's hope we can introduce lots more people to the fun and laughter of TSMGO!
I would have to say the thanks should go to the creative and dedicated people who develop and perform events like TSMGO! These are the people and things that make SL great. Kudos to you.
I was satisfied with Dancer I but II for some reason I could not get to
work out. I kept thinking it was the color of the background, and I kept
My first miksaang experience, so far loving it, an online class taught by
Miriam Hall. Now we are at the lesson on space. And then on to dot in
*I am an avatar, and I wanted to create my own individual avatar blog. Now,
however, Ellen McCormick Martens, my Creatrix, has decided she prefers me
to p...
I would have to say the thanks should go to the creative and dedicated people who develop and perform events like TSMGO! These are the people and things that make SL great. Kudos to you.
Hi Chestnut - I hope you can make one of our future shows. We'll be posting some dates soon :)
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