Rot up! Rot up! Ghouls and Beasties, I have the distinct terror of announcing a special one night only re-animation of the show everyone is screaming about!
Creep along early to guarentee your plot and come in the scariest costume you can possess to see the undead treat with more than a few nasty tricks... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
We rise from our graves at 2pm (SLT) on Saturday 31st October 2009 and then come back for a second bite of your brains at 2:50pm. So crawl your foul way to The Lindenburg in Phobos and make sure you don't miss the show where dying on stage is all part of the fun!
I was satisfied with Dancer I but II for some reason I could not get to
work out. I kept thinking it was the color of the background, and I kept
3 months ago